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Resolving common issues


Our Lynis Updater tool performs checks on the system and needs to run on a regular basis, preferably daily. When it encounters an issue, it will try to apply the required steps to resolve the issue. If that it not possible, it will send out a warning via email and to the screen output.

Common fix: run the Updater

Typically, the first thing you can try to resolve issues is by running the Updater manually.

lynis-updater update

Sometimes steps are not in the right order, or require additional steps. It may help to run the Updater once more, and see if that resolves the issue. If not, have look at the specific error and see if it is listed below.

Changed hostname or IP recently?

When the name of the system or IP addresses changed, then data processing might stop working. Typically it is then a good idea to look at the following system components:

  • /etc/hosts
  • /etc/hostname
  • Network configuration files

Confirm that all looks good and run:

networkctl status

If the network has the correct IP addresses, it is possible that the configuration of the application is still having and old hostname or IP address. Force an update of the configuration file:

lynis-updater update --force


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