Migration of Lynis Enterprise
Important notices
- Do NOT perform an OS upgrade on an existing system, unless this is confirmed by CISOfy
- We suggest contacting us before doing a migration to ensure you have a compatible operating system
Actions on the existing system
Create a backup of the database (on existing Lynis Enterprise system)
Switch to the PostgreSQL user
su - postgres
Create the backup
/usr/bin/pg_dump --clean lynis_enterprise --file=/tmp/dump-database-lynis_enterprise.sql"
Copy the database backup from existing to new system
Use SCP or file share to copy the database backup to the new system
Optional: log out
From now on, all steps happen on the new system. To prevent accidential deletion of data on the existing system, consider logging out or switch to a non-privileged user.
Installation on new system
- Use a supported version (contact us for details)
- Software is installed in /data, so use a dedicated partition that can grow (LVM) or have a root file system that is big enough
- Install all available updates
Configure email
Install Postfix or another MTA so that the system can send emails (alerts/password resets)
Configure firewall
Open port 443 (TCP) for incoming connections (upload of client systems, users to connect to system). Open any other ports that are needed for system administration.
Install Lynis Enterprise
Follow the installation instructions for your distribution.
- Configure the Lynis Enterprise repository
- Install ’lynis-updater’ tool
- Run ’lynis-updater install
- Use ‘root’ for the admin account or an alternative (and document it properly)
Migrate database
Note, only do this on the new system
Switch to the PostgreSQL user
su - postgres
Drop the database lynis_enterprise, as we will recreate this from the backup
psql -d postgres -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS lynis_enterprise"
Create new database
psql -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE lynis_enterprise"
Restore the database dump
psql lynis_enterprise -f /path/to/dump-database-lynis_enterprise.sql
Reboot the system
To ensure that all is working correctly, also after a reboot, it is advised to reboot.
Perform status test
Ensure all components start up correctly and are running.
lynis-updater status
Log in to the web interface
Log in as ‘root’ to the interface
Optional: Shutdown the old system
The old system should now no longer receive any communications.
Optional: switch hostname on the new system
Update system configuration
The first step is to update the hostname is the system configuration
- Change /etc/hosts
- Change /etc/hostname
- Reboot the system, so the changes
Update Lynis Enterprise configuration
After that, we need to reflect the changes in the Lynis Enterprise application
- Change hostname in /data/lynis-enterprise/updater/config
- Run
lynis-updater update --force
- Reboot the system
Test configuration
After the reboot, validate the configuration
lynis-updater status
Then log in to the web interface and confirm that it is working. Additionally, perform a system upload from a client system and see if its data is being updated.